Dr. Rowse is Retiring!

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Dear Friends of Ballard Animal Hospital,

As of Friday, June 29th at 6 pm our beloved Dr. Rowse will be retired. He has been with Ballard Animal Hospital since 1977 as both a practicing vet and a business owner. When I purchased the practice from him in 2007, we had agreed that he would continue to practice with me for another 5 years. I am grateful that 5 turned into 11! We will miss so many things about Dr. Rowse, but I am going to name a few. We will miss his tender heart; we will miss asking him so many questions knowing that he has attended every possible continuing education; we will miss his hearty belly laugh; most of all, we will miss his dedication to our team, his patients and his clients.

We will be having a celebration for Dr. Rowse at Hale’s Ales on Thursday, June 28th from 7-8:30 pm. We invite you to stop in, share your story, say goodbye, and raise a glass with us in honor of Dr. Rowse.

Dr. Emily Howe, Owner
Ballard Animal Hospital

Julie Howe