Meet Madeleine, Licensed Vet Tech at BAH

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Made is a favorite nurse of patients and their people. Her passion and love for animals shows in the way she greets and cares for every animal who comes through our door.

  • Do you have pets - tell us about them.

    I have one cat, Julien, who is the love of my life! I have spoiled him with his own huge cat tower, and he LOVES when I put his favorite freeze-dried chicken treats all over it for him to find while I’m at work.

  • If you have a pet who came to you in an interesting way, tell us about that.

    I got Julien from a feed store in Eastern Washington in 2009, when I lived there. I was supposed to get a little grey and white female kitten, but the day I went to pick her up the owner had given her to someone else. He showed me a new batch of barn kittens who all came to the front of the cage to lick my fingers. Then I saw Julien. He was hiding in the back and looked very scared. The owner said he didn’t think anyone would want that cat. That struck something in my heart, and I knew he was mine.

  • Time in vet industry?

    I’ve been in the field for about 3 1/2 years. Ballard Animal Hospital is by FAR the best place I’ve ever worked. I have the GREATEST boss in the world, and some pretty great coworkers!

  • What inspired you to work with animals?

    I’ve always loved animals. A few years ago, Julien got sick. He wouldn’t eat or drink. He wouldn’t move! He stayed on a pillow on my bed 24/7. I was giving him food and water through a syringe several times a day. I brought him to the animal hospital every day. I wished so much that there was more I could do. I started school to become a licensed veterinary technician shortly after that.

  • Favorite activity of your job?

    Maybe it’s my OCD, or just my attention to detail, but I could literally trim nails all day long! I get so much satisfaction from a perfectly short nail trim. I also really enjoy drawing blood.

  • Do you have an all-time special pet - that “heart” animal, and what makes or made that animal such a soul mate?

    I got Julien during a really hard time of my life. He filled my empty spaces and helped get me out of a depression. I can’t even imagine what I would have done without him. He means a lot to me - my most special boy.

Julie Howe